Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

Depression, You Can Turn It Around!

by loop_oh Depression takes a holiday! Depression is the simplest mental illness to to stop, to pause, to relieve, yet day after day, in hospit

Anxiety Depression Treatment Canada Images
Anxiety Depression Treatment Canada Images

by loop_oh

Depression takes a holiday! Depression is the simplest mental illness to to stop, to pause, to relieve, yet day after day, in hospitals all over the country, doctors still attempt to cure depression without making patients aware of the very relief that is available to them for free.Some cases of severe, deep-seated depression might need medication and long-term therapy, but some mild depression, ordinary sadnesses can be paused by having the person take action. Imagine if every depressed person knew and learned and remembered that a person cannot remain depressed if they are continuously taking action, then maybe thousands or millions of patients would begin taking action in their own lives. Society is so dependent on drugs and on healing that comes only from drugs and from surgery, that society is reluctant to hear what the truth is about depression and what might relieve depression. I am not saying that some people do not need drugs. But I am saying that in some cases where mild depression exists, that taking action, being active, being creative does relieve that depression, even if only temporary. One can keep taking that action which relieves the depression probably in the same manner one takes pills and prescriptions. Too many people take prescription drugs for depression and then take no action in their own lives. You cannot relieve depression by taking drugs and then taking no action. Being depressed requires you to be still, to lay dormant, to stay put in one place, to have no creativity, to have no desire to do anything in your life. Then there is a mild depression that is a situation where the person is active and remains active to fight their depression and for as long as the person is active in their life, the depression subsides, takes a back seat to everything else.

Get busy! Think about this in your own life. Whether you have ever been depressed or not, there have been times in your life when you simply have been too busy to be depressed. You just didn't have time to be depressed or have time to know that you were or should be depressed. (Some people's lives are filled with so much trauma and tragedy that it makes sense that they would be depressed. That would be anyone's normal reaction. Yet, in some people's lives, they are simply too busy to feel or act depressed. So, therefore, action of some type can and does ward off the outward signs of depression even if one is depressed inside (in their minds). There was this joke about Old Mother Hubbard who lived in a shoe. Someone saw all the children running all around and in and out of the house. It seemed like chaos. They asked her how come she had not had a nervous breakdown from all the work she had to do. She replied that she simply was too busy. And that is so true. Many of us are sad, sad as those who lay in bed all day and night, except that we are simply too busy to keep depression in our bodies. Take a clue from that fairy tale joke and get yourself busy right now.

You can be active and still be depressed! Then there are times when you are simply depressed and you try action and yet you stay depressed even while being active. Most people "quit' there and go back to inaction. Yet, if you just keep at the action, keep being active, EVEN if you still feel depressed while being active, your activity will soon win out over the depression. The key is to be determined and continue to be active. Think about it. The most severely depressed individuals sit still or remain in bed all day and all night. If they could bring themselves to move, to take some steps, to get out of bed, to go for a walk, and if they could convince themselves to do this every day or a few times a day, eventually their action would win out over their inaction.

So what does it all mean? It means that if you find yourself being mildly depressed, the very best medicine for you at that exact moment would be to take action. Taking some good, positive action in your life will help you get back to yourself, as you were before you were depressed. So, how does one treat themselves to relieve their own depression when they are living alone or when they have no one counseling them? Is there any hope for solitary people who are depressed? What about those depressed people who are secluded and not in contact with any of their family? Where is the hope for them? Are you depressed? Are you sitting there at your computer, reading this article, knowing that you are feeling very depressed? Have you been that way for long? Where are the answers for you?

I am not a doctor, nurse or counselor, but I have some information that is relevant to depression. More than anything, I know one thing, that depression can not battle against action. Yes, that is right, action! If you are sitting in your chair there reading this article, and you feel depressed, take hope in the fact that you are not totally depressed. Otherwise, if you were, you would not be online, and you would not be reading this. The fact that you are reading this article, that you came to the computer shows that you are not totally depressed. A totally depressed person would not have got this far. So, congratulate yourself! You have conquered some of your depression by taking an action. You took the action of going online. More than that, you took many actions. You got up out of bed, walked to the computer or wheeled your wheelchair to the computer and you then began surfing the net. You found my article and you are here reading! That is awesome progress for a depressed person. Pat yourself on the back and know that you can do more and you can take more actions to combat the depression that you are feeling.

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Commonly question about Depression, You Can Turn It Around!

Question :

Why were Conservatives able to turn around a Depression in 18 months (1921) and 0bama can t turn around a ....?

.... recession?

BTW I m not talking about the Great Depression here. If FDR had done what they did in 1921 it wouldn t have been called the GREAT Depression.
Answer :
I m confused about the distinction between recessions and depressions. What makes the economic downturn of 1921 a "depression" but not the economic downturn of 2008?

Please explain, or I ll just assume you are resorting to dishonest spin. From every statistic I ve seen, the only economic collapse on par to what happened in 2008 was the one that happened in 1929.
Question :

Relationships turn the stress/depression around?

I know that you cannot expect someone else to make you happy ultimately you have to do it yourself. I can t help but wonder if I m wrong about that. Since I have yet to answer this question on my own, I wanted to know if you have ever experienced a stressful time or period of depression in your life, and actually had someone new who made things better for you, like you could get through anything. Does the stress/depression really go away once you get into a GOOD relationship? keyword is GOOD
Answer :
ya gotta just hope for the best!!
but you can t depend on anyone else.....
be happy for you, which is easier said than done I know...but it s really all you can do.
Question :

How to turn around the sleep clock?

I think my circadian rhythm is disrupted due to recent insomnia and depression. Now i would be drowsy and tired at 12PM mid day, as opposed to normal people. How can i turn it around?
Answer :
Light is a key instrument in the circadian rhythm. Avoid any bright light at or around bedtime, and try not to spend too much time in dark spaces during the day or awake hours. try not to give in by taking a nap, you essentially need to re-teach your body the correct pattern.

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