by The Pulitzer Caregivers, providing care for an individual in the middle stages of dementia have difficulty managing behaviors that are exhibited.
Middle Stages of Dementia What to Expect Senior Home Care ... |
by The Pulitzer
Caregivers, providing care for an individual in the middle stages of dementia have difficulty managing behaviors that are exhibited. Studies show that of the 5.1 million individuals diagnosed with dementia in this country, seventy percent remain in their homes and are receiving care from family and friends.
The middle stages of dementia will bring increasing challenges for you the caregiver and the individual that you are caring for. The early signs of dementia will worsen and new signs of dementia will develop. The caregivers will notice increased mental declines and personality changes will become more noticeable. Physical problems, such as poor balance, become much more apparent. The individual will become more and more dependent on the caregivers in their life.
Middle stage dementia is the longest and can be the most challenging stage for both the caregiver and the individual for whom they are providing care. For the caregivers, there are tremendous mental and emotional challenges. The individual with dementia does not adjust to new of different experiences, as they can cause confusion or frustration. Of the three stages of dementia, this is the time when routines become vital. The author John Bayley, in his book Elegy for Iris, writes "Routine is a substitute for memory".
It is very important that if you are a one of the millions of family caregivers to learn about the specific type of dementia that is affecting your family member. It will give you a better understanding of the disease, what areas of the brain that are affected and help you anticipate some behaviors. Knowledge is power.
As you learn about the type of dementia, and learn about the behaviors that may present for that disease. It is important to note, you will not see all the behaviors and problems that you read about. As with any of the stages of dementia, symptoms and behaviors will surface will be unique to the person with dementia. The behaviors that are exhibited, how long this type of behavior will occur, will depend on several different factors. The type of dementia, whether or not there is more than one type (this is not uncommon) are just a few factors to take into consideration. Medications and their effectiveness as well as compliance with these medications are important. Individuals with dementia also have other medical and health related conditions that will affect their overall ability to handle the mental and physical stressors of this disease.
More on providing care for someone in the middle stages of Dementia at home? Tips to help deal with those behaviors.
In this stage of dementia, strange and bizarre behaviors will arise. These behaviors will appear strange, definitely out of the ordinary and out of character for that individual with dementia. These behaviors are the hallmark of this stage.
Sundowning, is just one condition that causes increased confusion as the day goes on. Confusion, anxiety and agitation increase late in the day and early evening.
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Alzheimer's & Dementia Caregiver Center |
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Commonly question about Middle Stages of Dementia - What to Expect
Losing my mind! how do i get myself under control?
honest to gosh i think i am on the brink of a nervous breakdown! my dad went to jail, so i had to move in with my home who proceeded to lose her house and moved in with her parents. Now im living in a little house in the middle of NOWHERE 40 miles from any town. My grandparents are nuts too. My granpa is in the early stages of dementia and wlaks around the house naked, my grandma is abusive and screams at me if there is a stain on the wall, on the floor, on a towl mom is also not much help, she expects me to have a meal ready for her when she leaves for work and meal ready when she gets back. then i am to do the dishes and make her bed before she goes to sleep.
i on the other hand am going INSANE. every bad habit ive ever had is coming into play. I m binging and purging, cutting, compulsively cleaning. I have a constant adrenolene rush thats makes it so i can t sleep and can t sit still. I break down crying every day. i don t know what to do, i feel out of control, i feel like i am going to lose my mind at any second.
as for age, i just turned 18
I think it s time for you to either go away to college, or move out and get a job. You simply cannot live this life style anymore.
I am moving out, I m about to turn twenty. I moved in with family members for my first two years of college and I just can t handle the dysfunction anymore. So I m taking a year off of college and just got a job that pays decent so that I can return to college and complete my education.
It s scary, but just do it. You ll learn so much and just be better off that way. If you don t do it, I can guarantee that you will have a mental breakdown and not function properly.
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