by Fergal of Claddagh Most of us are aware that eating disorders are becoming more prevalent but this trend would also seem to be increasing in chil
anxiety and eating disorders - Health writings - Professional health ... |
by Fergal of Claddagh
Most of us are aware that eating disorders are becoming more prevalent but this trend would also seem to be increasing in children. These disorders can often be life threatening and even more so where children are involved.
Why the Increase in Eating Disorders in Children?
Just like adults, they are prone to the pressures of media stereotypes where being rake like is the norm and anything else is simply deemed over-weight. It would also seem that if a parent or an adult close to them has suffered an eating disorder then the child is more likely to contract the disorder as they strive to copy their role models. It is also the case that competitive aspects of life such as football, gymnastics dancing etc. can feed an eating disorder in children problem. We generally associate anorexia with girls but it is becoming more and more common to see this disease get a hold on boys.
These children do not want to stray from the so called "norm" and if they do, they have a feeling of being over-weight or fat which compounds the potential problems. It is also possible that some children or teens with anorexia may also try to hide their problem by binge eating with subsequent purging and this could develop into a bulimia condition. An eating disorder in children may be more likely to develop by those that have suffered abuse whether it was physical, mental or sexual. Whatever the reasons that this unwelcome trend has started to emerge, as responsible adults we must keep a close eye on any potential signs of an eating disorder in children developing so that early remedial action and medical advice can be sought.
Silent Epidemic is Gripping Our Kids |
kids-eating-hamburger-fries-590 |
Eating Disorders |
... , anxiety, aggressive behavior, eating disorders, autism, and cancer |
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Rachel Feldman Nicole Fox Are Changing the world for Family Nutrition constipation depression digestive distress eating disorders fibromyalgia fibroids hypoglycemia immune system disorders menstrual Eating Disorders in Children: The Start of an Epidemic?
Commonly question about Eating Disorders in Children: The Start of an Epidemic?
Is it wrong to have children count calories?
I know we ( Americans) have an obesity "epidemic" , but it all started from people feeding fodder and trash to their kids just because the FDA doesn t stamp " this stuff is nasty" on the side.I think it s important to follow the food pyramid and keep a healthy balance with exercise, but having children obsess over the calories in KETCHUP and other condiments and calculate how much exercise they need to do to burn it off seems like the other side of the same problem.
Ignorance in nutrition, and egoism. " If it feels good do it" can relate to eating too many Doritos AND driving your kids into another eating disorder like anorexia because it makes you feel like a good parent to teach them to be neurotic and to take all the "health" out of their lifestyles.
I m asking because my aunt makes my underweight ten year old cousin check how many calories are in the ketchup. This just seems like an unhealthy and self congratulatory exercise(pun) in "good parenting".
What are YOUR thoughts on children counting their calories? Do you think it ll bring a new wave of eating disorders ( bulimic and anorexic kids don t come from laid back families) or that it s a necessary step in helping our country s future to look less like the space station in WALL-E.
Yes, obesity was caused by the FDA, not the ignorance and laziness of the average american.
Food pyramid is pretty silly and acts as a "one size fits all" model for what one s diet should be, when there should be no standard because everyone is different. As for obsessing about calories in ketchup, that s just retarded for any non-performance athlete tbh and I hoped you actually did something about it.
Anorexia, bulimia, obesity, and whatever other eating issues that exist can all be traced to how unknowledgeable most people are about physical health, yeah there s a mental side that convinces people that everything that goes into their mouth makes them a fatty (which < death), but if people actually took the time to realize what proper nutrition and physical exercise looks like (not obsessing about every calorie, while completely being oblivious to where they come from, and not doing 394730897 daily situps and a few jumping jacks as "exercise"), there would be very few people with eds, very few fat people, very few people with **** physiques.
Calorie counting, when you combine it with the knowledge of the average american, usually results in wasted time, effort, and an ed. But, again if people actually knew anything about nutrition, it would help them immensly. I m a kid and I count calories, and it s > not counting, knowing how much you take it daily is very useful in determining how much food you need to gain/lose/maintain etc, and prevents unwanted gain/loss. Obv doesn t apply to 10 y/o s or anyone that s ignorant to at least basic nutrition, but w/e, there isn t anything wrong with it if you re not dumb/over emotional.
Why did the epidemic of whooping cough spread more in the vaccinated population?
Big Surprise - Whooping Cough Spreads Mainly through Vaccinated Populations* A new study showed that 81 percent of 2010 California B. pertussis whooping cough cases in people under the age of 18 occurred in those, who were fully up to date on the whooping cough vaccine (compared to 8 percent who had never been vaccinated)
* The whole cell pertussis vaccine (DPT) and the newer acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP), which is now used in the U.S., are far from 100% effective. In the featured study of DTaP vaccine, researchers noted the vaccines effectiveness was only 41 percent among 2- to 7-year-olds and a dismal 24 percent among those aged 8-12;
* The DTaP study also suggested that the acellular pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine loses much of its effectiveness after just three years. This is much faster than previously believed, and is thought to be one reason why there have been increases in whooping cough cases in the U.S. in recent years
* There is also evidence that the B. pertussis organism has evolved to evade widespread use of pertussis vaccine, creating a new B. pertussis strain that is not covered in the vaccine and is causing much more serious disease, which is considered to be another reason why B. pertussis whooping cough cases are on the rise
* Pertussis vaccine in the combination DPT shot for diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis that is supposed to prevent whooping cough has caused brain inflammation, permanent brain damage and death in some children since it was used on a mass basis in the U.S. starting in the late 1940s and DTaP vaccine has also been associated with brain inflammation, permanent brain damage and death, although it is thought to occur less frequently than for whole cell DPT vaccine
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Whats Really to Blame for Californias Whooping Cough Epidemic?
By Dr. Mercola
In 2010, the largest outbreak of whooping cough in over 50 years reportedly occurred in California.
Around that same time, a scare campaign was launched in the California by Pharma-funded medical trade associations, state health officials and national media targeting people opting out of using pertussis vaccine, falsely accusing them of causing the then-current whooping cough outbreak.
But new research released last month paints a very different picture than the one being spread by the media.
In fact, the study showed that 81 percent of 2010 California whooping cough cases in people under the age of 18 occurred in those who were fully up to date on the whooping cough vaccine.
81 Percent of Whooping Cough Cases Occurred in People Who Were Fully Vaccinated
CDC data shows 84 percent of children under the age of 3 have received at least FOUR DTaP shotswhich is the acellular pertussis vaccine that was approved in the United States in 1996yet, despite this high vaccination rate, whooping cough still keeps circulating among both the vaccinated and unvaccinated.
More likely than not, the vaccine provides very little if any protection, and this was evidenced very clearly in a study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases.i
Researchers reviewed data on every patient who tested positive for pertussis between March and October 2010 at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in San Rafael, California.
Out of these 132 patients:
* 81 percent were fully up to date on the whooping cough vaccine
* 8 percent had never been vaccinated
* 11 percent had received at least one shot, but not the entire recommended series
Whats wrong with this picture? Could it be that children and adults, who have received all the government-recommended pertussis shots, can still get the disease? Yes, of course. And this study suggests they may in fact be more likely to get the diseases than unvaccinated populations. Researchers noted:
Despite widespread childhood vaccination against Bordetella pertussis, disease remains prevalent. It has been suggested that acellular vaccine may be less effective than previously believed. Our data suggests that the current schedule of acellular pertussis vaccine doses is insufficient to prevent outbreaks of pertussis.
That is clearly stating the obvious, as B. pertussis whooping cough is a cyclical disease and natural inc
There is something that you have to understand. The vaccinated make up a larger percentage of the population than unvaccinated.
So during an outbreak, the number of vaccinated who get sick will often outnumber the unvaccinated people who get sick because there are more of them to begin with.
No vaccine is 100% effective, not everyone responds to vaccination, immunity wanes over time and some people cannot have vaccines for medical reasons.
Vaccination levels dropped too low to confer herd immunity
Most antivaxxers failed high school math as well as science.
Also, Mercola is a dishonest crank. The article he quotes actually demonstrates the efficacy of the vaccine just that it s effect wanes over time and boosters may be needed. He s misrepresernting the intent of that work and once again trying to undermine the medical and scientific community. He fails there.
Edit: WTF is wrong with you people?
81% fully vaccinated, 11% incomplete and 8% unvaccinated. The herd immunity threshold is 92-94%.
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