Rabu, 19 September 2012

Mental Disorders, Medications, and Clinical Social Work

Mental Disorders, Medications, and Clinical Social Work Written for social workers by a social worker, Mental Disorders, Medications, and Clinical So

 ... Interactive Website Devoted to Social Anxiety Disorder  With Video
... Interactive Website Devoted to Social Anxiety Disorder With Video

Written for social workers by a social worker, Mental Disorders, Medications, and Clinical Social Work discusses the etiology, epidemiology, assessment, and intervention planning for common mental disorders. Looking at disorders from an ecosystems perspective, Austrian goes beyond a linear classification approach and DSM-IV-TR categories and encourages social workers to analyze the internal and external environmental factors that contribute to a disorder's development. Austrian's discussion of effective intervention(s) for a particular client also stresses the importance of working with families in treating disorders.

In addition to information on new medications, biochemical data on the causes of disease, and diagnostic tests, the revised third edition discusses therapies such as motivational interviewing, cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal, and dialectic.

Start reading Mental Disorders, Medications, and Clinical Social Work ...
Start reading Mental Disorders, Medications, and Clinical Social Work ...
social anxiety disorder evidence based and disorder specific treatment ...
social anxiety disorder evidence based and disorder specific treatment ...
treatments for Social Anxiety Disorder. You can check for the clinical ...
treatments for Social Anxiety Disorder. You can check for the clinical ...
Celebrities With Social Anxiety Disorder  The Social Phobia Treatment
Celebrities With Social Anxiety Disorder The Social Phobia Treatment

Related video about Mental Disorders, Medications, and Clinical Social Work

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Overcoming Social Phobia Shyness In this video three people talk of their experiences with social phobia and teach the techniques that they have used to help overcome it These Mental Disorders, Medications, and Clinical Social Work

Commonly question about Mental Disorders, Medications, and Clinical Social Work

Question :

Determining levels of prevention? Can someone please help?

Determining levels of prevention?
analyze the scenarios and describe the level of prevention is primary prevention,secondary prevention, or tertiary prevention. Do you think the prevention strategy used in the scenario was effective? If not what would you do differently?

Scenario 1: Violence Prevention in a High Risk Community

Karyn, a social services worker, is confronted daily with issues such as homicide, suicide, child and elder abuse, battered women, sexual assault, and domestic violence in the community agency in which she works. Her job responsibilities are to build community and agency coalitions to help meet the needs of the community.

One day, an enraged young man stormed into the agency demanding to know the whereabouts of his wife, whom he had ordered not to leave the house. The wife was cowering in Karyns office after being referred by her physician for suspicious bruises.

The agency has a procedure for handling potentially violent situations such as this one, in addition to providing a panic button. Someone pushed the panic button behind the receptionists desk, which brought the police within minutes.

The wife was later transported to a shelter for battered women. The shelter provides classes in self-esteem, parenting, and job training and placement. It also assists clients with access to eligible welfare benefits and housing.

Scenario 2: Closure of a Planned Parenthood Clinic

You are a social worker in your communitys county public health office. Of the 60,000 people living in your county, 12,000 are women of childbearing age. The teen pregnancy rate is above the national average. Twenty-five to 30 percent of the countys births are unintended. With an annual per capita income of just over $13,000, most of the population lives below the poverty level.

At your weekly team meeting, your manager announces that the Planned Parenthood Clinic in the county is closing due to lack of funding. Other county family-planning providers have waiting lists and cannot take new patients. Team consensus is that lack of accessible and affordable family planning services will lead to more unintended pregnancies, child abuse, and poverty.

You organize a group of other health and human service providers in the county to solve the issue. After much discussion, the public health office decides to offer limited family planning services.

Scenario 3: Homeless Health Care

You are a case manager in a community mental health center. Many of your clients are homeless and have either mental disorders or substance abuse and health problems.

Health problems in the homeless are exacerbated by their homeless status. Exposure to extreme temperatures and a lack of sanitary facilities, nutritious food, restful sleep, and support networks worsen infections and chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. The homeless are less likely to take their medications for their mental and other physical diseases. Most homeless do not seek health care until they are so sick or injured that they have to be transported to the emergency room by ambulance.

Although there is a community health center in the county, it is not accessible financially or geographically to the homeless. After determining the needs of the homeless population in your case load, you meet with the leaders of all the agencies that provide services to the homeless, including the health center. You learn that there are three shelters, one food bank, and two faith-based initiatives providing services to the homeless.

A collaborative decision is made to provide basic health services in the shelters. The health center will supply the clinical providers, supplies, and equipment; the shelters will provide the space, furniture, and utilities; and the mental health center will provide on-site case management that includes counseling and support groups.
Answer :
Each scenario used the resources available to meet the needs, even if the result was less than ideal.

The best direct service was the homeless program, who brought medical care directly to the client rather than making them travel, which is a barrier.

The best use of a plan was the frst scenario, which had a highly usable plan for a very real situation, and their main priority was protecting the survivor of violence.

The second scenario is very realistic and, while definately not ideal, at least responded to the solution.

In the 2nd and 3rd cases you will not be able to detect effectiveness until the programs have a track record to review. In the 1st case the safety planning worked like it should, meaning it worked quite well to protect everyone involved.
Question :

Getting on disability for severe mental illnesses?

Kind of an emergency because I m in the middle of yet another mental breakdown (

I have been seeing therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers from the time I was in 2nd grade till I was 14 years old and now I m turning 23 in July. I don t diagnose myself because that s just plain stupidity. I was diagnosed by a doctor that I have:
Bipolar Disorder
Clinical Depression
Severe Social Anxiety (the worst one)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Attention Defasit Disorder
Attention Defasit Hyperactive Disorder
Severe Panic Disorder

I ve tried at least 20 different medications and haven t thought about going back to therapy till recently when I had 4 mental breakdowns in the month of May. I feel as though I CANNOT work around people. I feel terrified. I start crying. My heart races, my mind goes blank trying to think of somewhere else to be but it never works, I freak out, I don t know how to handle it and medications do not work. I job hop every 3 to 6 months because of these issues and now I have a really great job with benefits and awesome paychecks but my problems from the past are starting to rise up again and I ve tried fixing them again with therapy but it didn t help....on top of that, I have a fear of almost everything. The only thing that soothes me is rain and cold weather. I freak out and act like a five year old when I see ANY kind of bug whether it be a butterfly, an ant, a moth, a ladybug, etc. I m even more terrified of my own computer! (Yes I m on it now and there are times when I don t have a panic attack while using the computer but 93% of the time, I always panic...) if something pops up on the screen that I dont recognize, I run away and start hyperventilating thinking my computer is going to blow up. I m scared that our apartment floor will fall through. I m terrified of someone stealing our car, I think about these things 24/7 and I ve tried everything, meds, meditation, therapy, deep breathing techniques, exercise/dance, writing, singing, NOTHING WORKS. I feel I ve tried it all for any and every problem I have.

I m pretty sure I can still get my records from my childhood. Would they be of help if I were to apply for either SSI benefits or disability? I m not sure I can get them from EVERY therapist I ve ever had but I m pretty sure I can still get at least some of them. How long does the process take? (As I said, I m in the middle of a mental meltdown yet again, I can t handle this anymore.) I m just tired of going home at the end of the day in tears thinking how much easier life would be if I just killed myself to escape my fear. I can t deal with this anymore. I really can t. My landlord flipped out on me for smoking in my apartment (which I was allowed to do, or so I thought) and I peed my pants...like...I can t handle situations like that. My heart just beats so fast I actually wonder if I m on the verge of a heart attack. I panic almost every single day. So if someone could please direct me towards the right people to talk to and how to start the process, I would be very thankful....
Answer :
The social security application process can be long and drawn out. It sounds like your situation is extreme since you ve had a long history of illness that stretches back to 2nd grade. I think you have a very good case for social security. If you apply for SS, you may be rejected several times before you are accepted, this is pretty routine.

The whole process can be streamlined by getting a SS lawyer, you don t pay them anything up front, instead they get a small cut of your settlement when you win it. These lawyers will help you file all the paperwork. Also, if you can get the support of the psychiatrist treating you, this will also help as they can back you and your medical history. You will need at least one doctor supporting your case, if you have to, switch doctors until you find one that cares enough to help you, they are out there.

Unfortunately, the length of a SS case can be up to three years. My recommendation is that if you want to apply for SS, consider moving back with your parents and getting a part time job that makes under the $980 limit a month. This way you can stay productive, have more time to manage your illness and don t have to worry about rent money.

I have Bipolar I and after a lengthy history of mental breakdowns, a failed divorce and job jumping, I had to throw in the towel and get help. I now live back home with my parents and after 3 years of waiting am close to getting SS help. I won t say its the most elegant solution, but you ll have a lot more time to manage your illness which can make a big difference. I now spend most of my days reading about bipolar illness and psychology so I can improve my condition. I am also considering going back to school to get another degree. Hope this helps, good luck.


Question :

Psychology Questions Part 2?

I m teaching myself about psychology using a book, but the answers to the self-assessments aren t included. So I was hoping you could help me figure out the right answers to these questions:

1. Eclecticism is a psychological approach that draws upon many theories to understand the person as a whole. What does this statement suggest?
a.No one theory can completely explain every aspect of human behavior.
b. Eclecticism is a complicated approach and often contains contradictions.
c. Since psychology is not an exact science, psychologists rarely agree on theories.
d. Human behavior is difficult to study, and theories are often not based on research.

2. Max wants to know how people understand, diagnose, and solve problems through mental processes. Which subfield of psychology would Max be most interested in?
a. clinical psychology
b. cognitive psychology
c. developmental psychology
d. social psychology

3. Sal became interested in psychology when his friend was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Which subfield of psychology would interest Sal the most?
a. abnormal psychology
b. cognitive psychology
c. educational psychology
d. social psychology

4. Ms. Smith is a school psychologist. She wants to describe how the top-performing students in her school deal with stress. Which method would she most likely use to obtain detailed information from these students?
a. correlational study
b. double-blind experiment
c. interview method
d. naturalistic observation

5. Which option is an example of naturalistic observation?
a. a researcher follows the development of individuals over their lifespans
b. a researcher writes a paper about patients in a clinical therapeutic setting
c. a researcher gives medication to one group and a placebo to another group
d. a researcher records findings about children in a school setting

6. Which statement is true about industrial-organizational psychologists?
a. They apply psychological principles to the workplace.
b. They treat mental disorders like anxiety and depression.
c. They give psychological tests to assist with learning problems.
d. They prescribe medications to their patients as necessary.

7. Dan is interested in becoming a psychologist or a medical doctor. Which profession would best give him the opportunity to practice both psychology and medicine?
a. Industrial-organizational psychology would allow him to apply psychological principles by training hospital employees.
b. Clinical psychology would allow him to get a doctorate degree before he could treat mentally ill patients in a clinical setting.
c. Psychiatry would allow him to specialize in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illness and give medication to patients.
d. Mental health counseling would allow him to listen to problems of individuals, couples, and groups in a mental health facility.

8. Your friend has an anxiety disorder. If you are to refer her to an expert, who would you go to for help?

I. industrial-organizational psychologist
II. psychiatrist
III. clinical psychologist
a. I
b. II
c. I and II
d. II and III

9. Which option best describes a correlation?
a. A basketball player thinks that whenever she wears her gray socks, she performs better, so she recalls this association.
b. A basketball player believes that wearing his favorite shoes causes him to score high in games, so it becomes a habit.
c. More students have been coming to basketball games, so the team is encouraged to practice more, and the players begin performing better.
d. The new basketball coach is superstitious, so the team members start noticing relationships between what they wear and how they perform in games.

Thank you! :)
Answer :
Well. I guess if you don t have the answer key that wouldn t be helpful. It is always good to check your answers, so I ll help you out assuming you already tried figuring out the answers to these questions.




4.c. because she wants detailed information.

5. d. naturalistic observation is when you observe things in a natural setting

6.a. they apply psychology in practical applications like working .

7. c

8. d

9. c

Definitely try picking Myer s textbook and study guide. They will help you learn if you want to learn on your own. The study guide is specifically designed to help you learn the materials adn provide answers with reasons to it.

1 komentar:

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