Kamis, 20 September 2012

Multiple Personality Disorder - Documentary

Emmy award-winning film is a look into how people can develop multiple personalities. This is a look at the amazing capacity of


Emmy award-winning film is a look into how people can develop multiple personalities. This is a look at the amazing capacity of the mind to survive abuse through the splitting off of personalities. Usually taking hold in childhood, Multiple Personality Disorder is thought of as many people's way of shutting out abuse and trauma from their formative years. During this film we get to see some people who suffer from the disorder, whilst exhibiting their various different personalities. Film by: HBO / Michael Mierendorf / Gloria Steinem Year: 1993
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Description: A 1993 documentary about Multiple Personality Disorder.
Description: A 1993 documentary about Multiple Personality Disorder.
multiple personality disorder by freys on deviantART
multiple personality disorder by freys on deviantART
Personality disorder
Personality disorder
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... multiple personality disorder post traumatic stress truddi chase

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Commonly question about Multiple Personality Disorder - Documentary

Question :

Can anyone tell me how to find info about MPD(multiple personality disorder)?What about documentaries about it?

I have my reasons for asking.I just want to know more about it and can a person be cured of it?How would you tell if a person may a victim of this?
Answer :
This is a controversial diagnosis, which nowadays is referred to as Dissociative Identity Disorder. Diagnosis of DID is complicated and requires skill on the part of the clinician. Here is a website which tells quite a bit about the disorder: http://www.webmd.com/mental-health/disso

There was an A&E documentary on the subject, which I"ve not seen, so I don t know if it was any good or not. Here is another website, which has links to books, videos, etc. about the subject: http://www.squidoo.com/dissociative-iden
Question :

Documentaries/movies about Multiple Personality / Dissociateive Identity Disorder?

As many documentaries or movies focused on Multiple Personality Disorder (Dissociative Identity Disorder) as you can list, GO!
Answer :
lets see, the vodeogames xenogears, and heres a movie list: http://www.imdb.com/list/Hl_NTbj1WyI/ try to hit google next time, it can give quite a few answers.
Question :

News on Gretchen with Multiple Personality Disorder 9 years later?

HBO did a documentary in 1993 about people with multiple personality disorder and Gretchen, the art student was featured.


Anyone know what happened to her all these years later?

The last news on the documentary was that she was close to identifying her rapist and would get a masters/doctoral degree. Did she continue to a master s program, control her disorder and even find justice against the guy from her childhood?
Answer :
I m not sure if this is her, but this is the extent of my research for you:



Hope this helps :) x

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