Women and Depression: Discovering Hope Everyone occasionally feels blue or sad, but these feelings are usually fleeting and pass within a couple of da
Women and Depression : Discovering Hope Breaking Ground |
Everyone occasionally feels blue or sad, but these feelings are usually fleeting and pass within a couple of days. When a woman has a depressive disorder, it interferes with daily life and normal functioning, and causes pain for both the woman with the disorder and those who care about her. Depression is a common but serious illness, and most who have it need treatment to get better.
Depression affects both men and women, but more women than men are likely to be diagnosed with depression in any given year.1 Efforts to explain this difference are ongoing, as researchers explore certain factors (biological, social, etc.) that are unique to women.
Many women with a depressive illness never seek treatment. But the vast majority, even those with the most severe depression, can get better with treatment.
This is a booklet that describes the symptoms, treatment and factors contributing to depression that are unique to women.Everyone occasionally feels blue or sad, but these feelings are usually fleeting and pass within a couple of days. When a woman has a depressive disorder, it interferes with daily life and normal functioning, and causes pain for both the woman with the disorder and those who care about her. Depression is a common but serious illness, and most who have it need treatment to get better.
Depression affects both men and women, but more women than men are likely to be diagnosed with depression in any given year.1 Efforts to explain this difference are ongoing, as researchers explore certain factors (biological, social, etc.) that are unique to women.
Women And Depression : Discovering Hope |
Women and Depression: Discovering Hope: National Institute of Mental ... |
Amazon.com: Women and depression: discovering hope (9781234153328): U ... |
Women and Depression Notes to Women |
Source : http://imentalhealth.net/mental-health-disorders/depression/women-and-depression-discovering-hope
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Commonly question about Women and Depression: Discovering Hope
Seizures? Depression? What s next?
Lately I ve been in a profound depression, even though it may not seem like it since I conceal it from my family most of the time. This depression has come and gone and for the past couple of years. It began in 2006, when I first began having complex partial seizures. I know that my depression stems from such seizures, since the various neurologist I have seen have been unable to control them with medications. Aside from that, I ve noticed that my depression gets much worse a few days after having seizures, especially the more intense ones. I know I have to see a professional, whether it be a psychologist or psychiatrist so I can have someone talk and orient me. This is how I feel ...I feel empty, worthless, with no direction in my life and no way out of these seizures.
For one, I don t know what to do with my life. I m studying psychology (how ironic) but I ve discovered that really isn t the job I m truly aspiring to be and I don t know if I should switch or study something else or if I should stick it out and continue with my studies. I always wanted to be an artist or an actress, because I m a very creative and artistic person, but I ve always been told (and I know for a fact) that those jobs (unless you re extremely talented) will not give you a good income to live off of ...
In terms of society, I feel that people (once they find out about my problem) will always look at me in a strange manner or what s worse, have pity for me. I don t want people looking down at me for something I can t control. Right now, I m scared that will find out and marginalize me for this problem since my seizures aren t under control (even with the medication I m taking at the moment).
In terms of love, after my 2 year relationship with a Dutch man ended because of problems because of the long distance, I began dating compulsively trying to find someone that would make me happy. These dates only ended in disappointment and left me with little or no hope for me and I always attributed to the fact that I good enough in terms of beauty and/or weight. In January I met this man (who I later discovered is an alcoholic) and just recently I was ready to lose my virginity to him but he called me drunk saying that he wasn t worth it, that he had slept with many women, and that I would ruin my life if I lost it to him. I felt rejected and with an emptiness within me. He s the only guy I had confessed that I had had a seizure disorder and it seems like he had taken it well. He s the only guy I had, intimately, gotten pretty far .... So I m thinking that in the end he probably thought I was fat, not attractive enough or that my seizure disorder had turned him off from even gone further with me. So in love, I m a complete failure.
I also feel fat, unattractive and I find a defects throughout my body/face, etc.
I don t know if I should move away from home (despite the seizures), travel to another country (to get away from it all), switch my studies, or what? I m confused and depressed? How can I feel better about my seizures? I see so many of the people I used to be in high school or even now all happy, married, or in relationships ... with children and all ... and I feel that will never be me .... Sometimes I just want to die or disappear but I don t know what to do?!
I feel trapped in my life despite the fact that I have all the material things I could possibly want and despite the fact that I have a wonderful and supportive family. Wh
You definitely have more than you can handle, more than anyone could. And sometimes the only thing you can do is to talk to someone about it.
NO ONE is worthless and nothing lasts forever. We are all living same as you and everyone deserves to feel what they want. The reason for living is to find out why your living. You may find it next year, or 10 years from now but you find it. Once you find it there s no more thinking like this, but the hardest part is getting there. So YES you will find something good in your future. I think it s great that you want to study psychology, since you already have experience. What helps people the most is hearing what other people went through, because what you ve been through is what makes you strong and who you are now. I think the best thing you can do is go with your gut, follow whatever you think is right. You don t want to go throughout life wonder what it would ve been like...live with no regrets.
You do know that everyone is thinking the same things about themselves right? In the world today, it wont matter if your Hitler because once people find out, it will only stay a topic for about a day, then they go back worrying about themselves. Things come and go and your self-consciousness is holding you back. Your not crazy, in fact your far from what I ve seen people as.
Relationships: Uh, at least you had one! I haven t had a boyfriend yet and haven t been kissed...and im 17! Far from ugly too. So what are my chances of finding someone easily? Not easy, but im okay with it because im not going to spend my life worrying about how miserable I am without someone. Yes I think about it once and a while when all my friends have dates, but I never lose hope because you don t know when it s gonna come. You have to have some self confidence!
Sometimes it s good to get away from it all, move and start over. This is where you ll find yourself and find your reason for living. So I think that s a great idea! And sometimes it s the ones who are at rock bottom for so long that end up being on top. So I wouldn t worry about what everyone else is doing, your life is a different story.
You have to just hang in there and you ll get through the rough parts. Nothing lasts forever but it will drag out for as long as you make it. Remember, live with no regrets.
Etiquette/Ethics help. An aquaintance with P.P Depression.?
I m really stuck.I m a bit of a "people pleaser" and don t like brushing people off if we ve been introduced through a friend. I don t like dumping people if I spend my time being nice to them (and don t really like them!).
My question might get complicated so forgive me if I bullet point!
*I thought my fiance liked a couple because they socialised. I found out the other day that he was only being polite and he doesn t like ether person. "He s "iirresponsible and a heavy drinker, and "She" is very strange.
*I ve only known the woman while Pregnant and hormonal. I put some of her odd traits down to that, and decided I d give her a chance. She d named the baby, and was always talking about how exited she was. Her boyfriend has 3 other kids by 2 other women. My fiance reckones he s only with this woman because he feels "trapped". Just his opinion, but I think he might be right.
*I had to try hard to like her, because she and I have nothing in common. I haven t committed to any suggestions she s made about going to "The Vagina Monologues" and so on because it s not my thing at all. I tried telling her, but she insisted I d like it. I didn t go. I found a polite excuse.
Being nice comes naturally to me, I hate hurting people even if I don t like them at all. I was tipsy the other day when I saw them last, and was daft enough to give a "I love you both" lluvviehug! that s out of character even for me! *Cringe*
She s pushy, loud, dominating, moody... though can be quite thoughtful. She did get me out of a nasty situation at Christmas (I got flashed at a party by the host s nephew, and she got me out of the place safely and went to tell the host for me!).
She gave birth about a Month ago, and we were waiting to hear all about the long-awated baby girl. It s confused everyone as to why we only see the couple out and about WITHOUT the baby.
Eventually we discovered (through a friend) that she had PPD and hasn t seen baby since she was born. But nether has the father!
We see them out on the town looking really happy and smiley. I bumped into the Father and asked how baby was and he just said "Fine"
Not typical for a daddy, even 4 times around!
Now she s texted me asking If I want to do the drumming class I once showed an interest in.
I understand PPD can be awful for the mother, but she doesn t seem to feel ANY need to fix it.
And why is the dad keeping away too?
I don t usually come accross such strong ethical differences. I don t feel I can socialise with someone who has abandoned her baby in hospital and uses PPD as a reason to get on with everything she couldn t do while pregnant. She seemed to whine about missing alcohol when pregnant, and I now keep seeing her in the club district of town.
Should I just ignore the text and hope it blows over?
I don t "officially" know about her PPD.
Am I being unreasonable. I don t want to go drumming anyway, but especially not with this woman.
Sounds very strange to me too. Have you considered the possibility that perhaps there is something wrong with the baby ...or worse? Maybe they just don t want anyone to know.
Has any other women gotten clucky at around 6-7 months after their last birth, yet feel all sad and empty?
my situation is I am 7 months out of a c section and I guess have just discovered I cant yet have another baby yet even if I wanted to then I look back on it all and I feel like I was hopeless cause I couldnt have my big babies naturally. I feel like if I cant even have babies naturally which is what I am made to do then what hope is there for me? Is this an unrational way of thinking? Could I be suffering from post natal depression 7 months after the birth? And have any other ladies gotten clucky around the same time after a birth? (I did with my 1st too) or is all crazy stupid hormones??
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