Minggu, 02 September 2012

International Biofeedback Expert Helping to Reduce Stress in the Middle East

(PRWEB) December 28, 2011 The IBNA (Isreali Biofeedback-Neurofeedback Association) is proud to announce an intensive 3-day training workshop with a lead

Top 5 Ways to Reduce Stress - Whole Living Balance
Top 5 Ways to Reduce Stress - Whole Living Balance

(PRWEB) December 28, 2011

The IBNA (Isreali Biofeedback-Neurofeedback Association) is proud to announce an intensive 3-day training workshop with a leading international biofeedback expert, president of the BFE (Biofeedback Foundation of Europe), Professor Erik Peper, Ph.D.

When asked about the importance of identifying and treating stress, Dr. Peper replied, For more than 70% of patients who visit their primary physician with a physical complaint there are no physiological causes. In most cases, discomfort is aggravated or initiated by stress and living in a life pattern that is the does not allow regeneration. Most anti-anxiety, anti-depression and sleeping medications increase pathology and morbidity. Thus, self-regulation strategies offer much more long term benefits.

In addition to his work with stress related illnesses, Dr. Peper has worked extensively in the prevention of work-related disorders (repetitive motion injuries, cumulative trauma disorders, upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders) and was awarded the 2004 California Governor's Safety Award for his work on Healthy Computing. Dr. Peper states that An estimated 80 percent of employees polled who work with computers report some discomfort. Without help, these symptoms may progress into disabling illness resulting in a workers compensation claim.

Professor Peper will teach effective techniques he is using and share forty years of experience with a variety of cases requiring thinking outside the box. The event is scheduled to take place January 11-13, 2012 at the Hi-Tech Center, 7 Atnufa St. Petach Tikva, Israel. Each day, Dr. Peper will speak about a different topic:

Day 1 - Wednesday, January 11 th, 09:30- 17:00

Making the Invisible Visible with Biofeedback as a Diagnostic and Self Mastery Tool

The workshop focuses on integrating biofeedback with cognitive, somatic and imagery techniques. The biofeedback includes analysis of dysponetic muscle patterns, dysfunctional respiratory patterns in clients and training strategies to optimize performance and health. The biofeedback treatment strategies can be used in numerous disorders such as panic and anxiety, recurrent abdominal pain, asthma, muscle dysfunction, hypertension, autonomic disregulation disorders, PTSD and pain.

Day 2 - Thursday, January 12 th, 09:30-17:00

Integrated Biofeedback to Manage Stress and to Optimize Health

Dr. Peper will discuss the use of respiration biofeedback and other modalities (temp, SEMG, SCL, HRV) for stress management and for reducing pain, panic, anxiety and increasing performance.

Day 3 - Friday, January 13 th, 09:30- 15:00

From Technostress to Technohealth

This course teaches practitioners how to prevent computer-related disorders and presents a comprehensive approach covering workstation ergonomics, corporate culture work environment, individual work style, work/rest patterns and psychophysiological predisposition. An emphasis is placed on utilizing surface EMG to take the guesswork out of assessment, monitoring, and training.

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